№ 75 PCS & See Ya Later Season Begins!

➤➤ Click here to stream Episode № 75 PCS & See Ya Later Season Begins

➤ This episode’s links:

📌 www.ladyjupiter.com/tag/fasting/
📌 www.ladyjupiterpodcast.wordpress.com 
📌 My berberine supplement (Amazon)
📌 Ladyjupiter.com/Podcast

➤ Full transcript —

Episode № 75 PCS & See Ya Later Season Begins

Welcome back everybody!

Lady Jupiter Podcast is the audio accompaniment to LadyJupiter.com a lifestyle blog where I write about my family’s military life, our home life, and other tiny details that I just like to share. I’m happy that you’re here with me.

In this episode I’ll share an update on our life as affected by the U.S. military, then continue with a blog update, and wrap up with something domestic.

Today in our military-affected lives I have nothing significant to update.
We are still watching Ukraine of course, also with complete disbelief that this has been going on for three entire months. *sigh*

Otherwise our military affected lives are pretty much the same. Mister Jupiter works many hours day and night, and I got to watch a friend accept command of a squadron. I was in late but I got to see the good stuff, and I’ll let you listen to a little bit.

Funny thing about sound quality in an empty hangar, with one very large door open – hearing anything with clarity was an absolute struggle.

So even though I missed the ceremonial start, I did get to see the main event, congratulate our friend and his wife, and see a few other friendly faces while I was there. It was pretty brief though, Kid Jupiter and I were only there for the ceremony, with no intent to stick around or continue being social, so it was easy to leave after we congratulated the new commander.

It’s already PCS season for a lot of people. While I did manage to get to this ceremony, I’ve already missed two (where our friends were the outgoing commanders), and we have two more coming up, one outgoing and one incoming. I am making notations in my address book and will reach out for updates when the dust settles.

It’s a little alarming that Mister Jupiter’s next Change of Command will be when he relinquishes – only because two years is so brief! We know that the squadron will be in good hands, but it’s still weird. That’s our home – he and I are invested in each person (whether they know it or not) we share successes and failures with a unique squadron. It’s pretty amazing.

For today’s LadyJupiter.com update…the site is still up and running.

I am drafting an update to publish next month. This month is my 30th month of intentionally intermittent fasting. I specify intentionally, because I used to fast when I was younger, but there were other factors for that reason, it wasn’t always my choice, this time it is my choice!

I cannot link to it yet because it hasn’t been published. However I can provide you a link now to that entire category of blog posts, it will be in the show notes at LadyJupiterPodcast.wordpress.com the link will send you to all of my blog posts about sharing my intermittent fasting history, and the most recent post will be nearest the top.
📌 www.ladyjupiterpodcast.wordpress.com

And lastly I wanted to catch you up on my most recent interests because I just like sharing.
One of the things that will feature heavily in that blog post about 30 months of intermittent fasting is the role of insulin resistance on my attempts to lose fat.

Long story long is that a physician requested my fasting glucose, and to my horror, it was pre-diabetic. I’m under forty, my waist is smaller than my hips, I’m not obese, my blood pressure is below average, and my triglycerides are low. So if I am developing metabolic disease…impaired fasting glucose is my only marker.

So, I bought a bottle of berberine. I started taking 500mg before noon and had immediate benefits – specifically that it put me into ketosis for about two hours, sometimes longer. This is amazing because my daily fasts are burning fat again.
📌 My berberine supplement (Amazon)

Since using berberine regularly, and avoiding refined carbohydrates, and drinking diluted vinegar before bed – I have lost about ten pounds in a few short weeks. My goal is to repair my insulin resistance – so I can get old in the same clothes I wore in my 20s and refuse to donate.

So that’s where we are. I was becoming insulin resistant, but berberine is reducing my glucose and I can feel it every day because it puts me into ketosis. My fasting glucose number has already seen a significant improvement, and I have experienced an obvious fat reduction because my clothes are fitting better. I still can’t fit into my engagement ring or original wedding band, but I’m hoping that will change this year – I miss my old set and I refuse to get the engagement ring re-sized because I am stubborn.

And that’s it for today’s episode.

Show notes and transcript are available online. Visit LadyJupiter.com/podcast.

If you enjoyed today’s podcast, share Lady Jupiter Podcast with a friend! I’m available where fine podcasts are found like Apple podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, and more!

And while we’re here, I want to share my appreciation for all of you listeners all around the world ! I am thankful for each one of you – really ❤

I will talk to you when I can record next – bye for now!

Episode № 75 shares a slice of the military life; specifically the promote & move part. It's happy, sad, our future and our past.

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